Bouquet Lollipops

These smooth, disk-shaped Lollipops are the perfect bouquet to give as gifts for your bridal party, vendors and more. Give the gift of edible flowers! These elegant confections are perfect for any wedding event, baby shower, afternoon tea, the options for these artisanal treats are endless!


$16 per lollipop

Order Minimum: 8


These sweet treats are “finished” by being dipped in our infused hand crafted sugars but with an added sour punch!

Available flavors: Lemon and Strawberry

Lemon lollipops are dipped in lemon sugar and strawberry lollipops are dipped in our strawberry sugar

At Baker & Blossoms we strive to be sustainable, therefore we will only use flowers that are in season here in the Lowcountry.

To find out more about which flowers are available by season refer to our What's in Season page.

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Bouquet Lollipops